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A Quick Lesson in Property Auctions

If you’re new to property investing or feel a bit rusty on the process, there are a few things to keep in mind before jumping into an auction. Knowing the difference between the types of property sales is important to understand.

Property auctions aren’t the same as buying land or home outright—you may not take possession of the property outright and if the current owners are able to pay off all their dues, the property may never become yours. Here is a high-level breakdown of the types of properties you can search for with SRI:

Foreclosure Sale: When a property owner forfeits all rights to their property due to inability to pay delinquent taxes or outstanding debt. In some cases, after the property sale, the current owner has a redemption period to pay off all outstanding debt. If they achieve this, they are able to reclaim their property. Depending on where you live, you may take possession of the property until this occurs, or, if they are unable to pay the debt, you will keep the property.

Tax Lien Sale: When taxes are not paid on a property, the government issues a lien against it. This lien goes to auction, where the highest bidder wins. This investor pays the taxes on the property and in doing so gains the right to claim this amount, plus interest, from the property owner. Depending on state regulations, tax lien sales are conducted in either a bid up, bid down, or bid down interest rate auction. Whichever applies to your area, we’ll ensure you understand the process.

Government Owned Sale: When property is not sold in a tax lien sale, the county takes over its title. All taxes are then written off and the property is sold for a portion of the appraised value. The highest bid during this sale wins.

Sheriff/Foreclosure Sale: These sales are called different names depending on your state, however, they have the same meaning: a court-issued sale of a defaulted property that has been repossessed by the entity foreclosing. The money from whoever buys the property is distributed to the banks, mortgage lenders, tax collection agencies, and others who have lost money on the property.

Whether you’re looking for a property to inhabit or you’re looking to make money from tax liens, be sure you fully understand the process of sales and auctions before making a bid.

To learn more, please download our:
Indiana Tax Sale: Lien Buyer Handout
Certificate Sale Handout
Deed Sale Handout
Indiana Tax Sale FAQs